As mud season transitions to mound season, it's time to get our fields ready for the Spring 2025 Little League season!
We're hosting a March Madness bracket pool to raise money for the league. It's easy to play!
Evaluation is required for players in Majors and Player-Pitch Minors, unless there is a valid reason they cannot attend that is communicated ahead of time
We're teaming up with the South Portland Redemption Center on Broadway to raise money with empty bottles and cans.
South Portland Little League wants every child who wants to play baseball, softball, or tee ball to be able to play.
Little League uses specific age determination dates to ensure kids play in divisions that match their age and grade level.
Catch a Maine Mariners game and help raise money for South Portland Little League on March 21st!
South Portland Parks and Rec, and South Portland High School Baseball Coach Mike Owens will host youth baseball clinics to help players prepare for the coming season.
Please visit our "Register" link to sign up your player today!
If you still need to stock-up on gear for the upcoming season, now is your chance to do so at one of our League Sponsors, Dick's Sporting Goods!
The 2023 South Portland Little League apparel store is now open!
Join us for a collaborative effort with SMCC to offer a pre-season baseball skills clinic led by SMCC Coach Nic Lops and his team!
Come join South Portland Little League on Saturday March 11th for the Maine Mariners first ever Portland Sea Dogs Cross Over game. The Mariners will be in Specialty Sea Dogs Jerseys!
SPLL will be looking for volunteers to join several Committees led by Board Members for the 2023 season!
Health and Safety during Covid-19
South Portland Little League, P.O. BOX 2205South Portland, Maine 04106
Phone: 207-299-5709
Email: [email protected]